Why Should I Join the PTA? 

  • PTA creates a school family through events like Back-to-School Picnic, Spirit Nights, and Family  Fun Fest. Connect with other families, teachers, and school staff. Support other parents in  having your voices heard and staying informed about school happenings. 
  • PTA provides enrichment opportunities to students through programs such as STEM night,  Book Fairs, Reflections Arts program, visiting artists and authors, Field Day, health and wellness  initiatives and more! 
  • PTA supports the school and staff through funding for classroom resources, technology, building  and grounds enhancements, and staff appreciation events.
  • PTA provides parents with information and resources to help navigate each day through special  meeting speakers, quarterly chats with the Principal, and a monthly newsletter of relevant  resources that can be accessed at home. 
  • PTA members receive a student directory with contact information of all consenting parents. 

PTA fundraising is vital to support the needs of our school. The PTA budget provides programs and learning  experiences for students, additional resources for staff, and enhancements to our building and grounds. The  school budget alone cannot cover all these items so we rely on our fundraising programs and the support of our  families and local businesses to help us make a difference in our school! 


What Does the PTA Support? 


Fun Run Back to School Picnic Book Fair Family FunFest  and Silent Auction Field Day 5th grade promotion ceremony and activities Health and Wellness Initiatives International Festival Marathon Media Center Materials School  Enhancements Indoor and Outdoor Popsicles with the Principal/Kindergarten Welcome Reflections  Arts Program ◆ AFES Spirit Wear Spirit Nights Staff Appreciation STEM Night Teacher Classroom Funds Teacher Innovation Grants Visiting Artists Visiting Author 


How does the PTA Raise Funds? 


Apex Leadership Fun Run ($47,000) Book Fairs ($9,200) Family FunFest ($5,300) Silent Auction ($4,300) Go Play Save Coupon Books ($6,300) Memberships ($2,500) Retail Partner Donations  - Harris Teeter, Publix, Box Tops (new this year) Spirit Nights ($2,200) Local Business Donations  ($1,600) 


How Can I Help? 

  • Join the PTA! Our members are the best advocates we have for our fundraising and our  programs. 
  • Volunteer! You’ve heard the phrase “it takes a village…” and that’s exactly what it takes to  keep all the PTA programs running. We cannot do it without our amazing volunteers. There  are numerous opportunites – some that require meetings and legwork, some that require day of event support, and some that can be done at home whenever you have some free time!  Contact us at afespta@gmail.com or follow Apex Friendship Elementary PTA on Facebook!