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AFES PTA NEWS - May 16, 2024

PTA Officers for 2024-2025

The PTA has elected the following PTA Officers for the 2024-2025 school year.  They will take office on July 1st. 

President - Amy Skorich

Vice Presidents - Jennifer Nusbaum, Dani Blackwell

Secretary - Marisa Rothbard

Treasurer - Nicholas Banks


Student Council Food Drive

The PTA is partnering with the Student Council to host a Food Drive for Western Wake Crisis Ministry.  WWCM is currently holding their Summer Stock Up drive to help feed the more than 6200 students in our area over the summer who relay on free and reduced lunches during the school year.   Non-perishable donations of food and toiletries (boxed, bagged, bottled, or canned) will be collected in each grades' commons area May 13-24.  A list of most needed items overall can be found here:  https://wwcm.org/donate/items-needed/  and for Summer Stock up here:  https://wwcm.org/donate/items-needed-copy/


Final Spirit Night - May 23

Mark your calendars for our final Spirit Night on May 23 at Bee Sweet Creamery.  Check your student's Friday folder for more information.


Upcoming Events

May 13-24 - Food Drive for WWCM

May 23 - Spirit Night at Bee Sweet Creamery

June 11 - 5th Grade Picnic and Promotion Ceremony

June 12- Last Day of School



To contact the PTA, email us at afespta@gmail.com 

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Our PTA’s mission is to advocate for our children and provide outstanding programs that empower our community. Become a member today!


You will be directed to Cheddarup for membership signups4



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